Jacob Johns
DORIS COULTER PUTS AWAY HER GRADE BOOK -- Coulter finished her final days at Central with her students.
As the end of the school year nears, teachers are beginning to wrap up the school year and prepare for the next. Some teachers, however, are wrapping up more than a school year; they are wrapping up their careers, as well.
Mrs. Doris Coulter, Central’s Introduction to Human Studies, as well as Fashion Design teacher, will be retiring this year, after serving 27 years in education.
“I have taught Family Consumer Science classes, including Introduction to Human Studies. This year was the icing on the cake for my career because I had the opportunity to teach Fashion Design,” expressed Coulter.
Although Coulter has been teaching for 27 years, she has only been teaching at Central for the last six.
“I really appreciate Mr. King allowing me to teach what I love here,” admitted Coulter.
Throughout her career, Coulter has been engaged deeply in her career, and it has taken up most of her time. She is excited for retirement so she can take on more activities that she has a love for.
“My husband has already retired, and I am very excited to be joining him,” stated Coulter. “I will be dong a lot of gardening at my house and in my neighborhood, and I will volunteer at local recreational centers teaching sewing. I also plan on travelling,” shared Coulter.
One of Coulter’s students believe that what she taught was pretty cool.
“[Coulter] taught us something that no one else has taught us. I think that that is pretty cool,” stated Michelle Caszatt, a junior Fashion Design student.
Over the course of her career, Coulter has made many memories.
“When I teach, I try to instill wisdom in my students,” commented Coulter. “I love to help them and see them change. The elder people are supposed to teach the youth wisdom.”