Blake Catlett
NEW IMACS IN THE COMPUTER LAB IN C-POD -- The new iMacs in the C-Pod computer lab are a great new tool for Mrs. Ware to use in her Computer Applications class.
The computer lab in C-Pod has recently received an upgrade in their hardware. The old computers in Room C-108 have been replaced with brand new iMacs. The upgrade will bring new and better teaching and learning opportunities to the class.
The new iMacs are an amazing new tool in the school. The iMacs have a 21.5 inch screen with Retina 4K display. They also have a three gigahertz quad core, an Intel Core i5, and a one terabyte serial drive. The new iMacs are much better when compared to the old computers in the computer lab and around the school.
Mrs. Holly Ware, the computer applications teacher who uses the C-Pod computer lab, is beyond satisfied and very pleased with the new iMacs in the lab. The iMacs are much better for her class than the old computers. The new iMacs are going to improve her teaching experience and improve her students learning experience.
“…they run extremely fast and smooth. They have several new applications on them so I can expand my teaching into other areas,” explained Ware.
The new iMacs are also a favorite among Ware’s students. The students enjoy having the new and better iMacs. They operate better and faster than other computers around the school. The iMacs will create a better environment for them to learn in the classroom.
“I think that the iMacs are great. I like them much better than the other computers around the school,” said Yesenia Sepulveda, a student in Ware’s computer applications class.
The new iMacs are an amazing addition to the C-Pod computer lab. They create a gateway to a better environment for students and the teacher. Hopefully, this upgrade will open the door to more upgrades throughout the school.