Sarah Katheron Latham
CENTRAL'S ACADEMIC AWARDS DAY RETURNS DESPITE PANDEMIC-- Last year, Central faculty hosted a drive-thru for students to retrieve academic awards and other items after the cancellation of the ceremony.
This year, many members of Central’s faculty have been trying their hardest to help organize and return many traditional events. One of Central’s proudest traditions is providing an Academic Awards Day for the students. Last year, the awards day was cancelled due to the sudden surge of COVID-19 cases. However, Central staff was proud to announce that this year’s Academic Awards Day is set in place.
This year’s Academic Awards Day will be held on Thursday, April 1 in the gym. Although every grade level is being represented in this year’s award ceremony, there are many regulations set in place in order to keep students and guests safe.
The ceremony will be split up into two groups, with freshmen and sophomores going first in the morning and juniors and seniors going next. Students are expected to arrive in the gym at least 15 minutes before the start of their ceremony.
“The program will be Thursday, April 1 at 8:00 a.m. in the gym for 9th and 10th grade. The 11th and 12th grade will follow at 9:00 a.m. If you are an in-person student, you will report to your first block class and you will be called to come to the gym. If you are an at home student, you need to be in the gym no later than 7:45 or 8:45 based on your awards program start time,” explained Principal Phil Iannarone.
This year’s regulations for the event include students only being allowed to invite one guest to attend the ceremony. Many parents and relatives have expressed concern for this aspect, but the staff reassured parents that the event would be live streamed for those who are not able to attend. Also, students and their guests will be required to wear a mask during the ceremony.
Like every year, students receiving an award are expected to dress appropriately for the ceremony. Also, after the ceremony, parents may sign their students out to leave campus for the rest of the day. Central staff would like to let students who attended the event by themselves will be able to leave after the ceremony as well.
“Once the program is over, you may have a parent or guardian sign you out. If you drive yourself to the school for the program, you may bring a signed note from your parent or guardian (include a phone number), and you will be allowed to sign yourself out,” explained Stacy Alexander, Central’s college and career advisor.
The faculty at Central are excited to once again allow their students to be recognized for their academic excellence this school year. Guests who are not able to attend the ceremony in-person will be able to view the ceremony live stream by creating an account on the NFHS Network.