Kendra Jones
CENTRAL WELCOMES VICTORIA WILLIAMSON AS AN EXCEPTIONAL EDUCATION TEACHER -- Mrs. Williamson working in her office in the center of E-Pod.
This year Central received many new teachers. Among them is Victoria Williamson, an Exceptional Education teacher. Williamson is in her 13th year of teaching. This year she is working to aide students that need an extra bit of support, but in years past, she has taught both reading and math.
Williamson was born in Indiana, but grew up in England and Florida. She then proceeded to attend college at Kennesaw State University. Teaching was never a career Williamson expected to do, but after stumbling into it, she realized she loved it.
Once her teaching career began, Williamson started teaching reading and math at Osceola Middle School in Okeechobee, Florida. She then moved to Columbia, Tennessee and began teaching Response to Intervention (RTI) Tier Three at Columbia Central High School. After that, she worked at Georgia Network for Educational and Therapeutic Support (GNETS), a program for emotionally disturbed students in Atlanta, Georgia. Williamson then moved to Knoxville, where she taught at Vine Middle School and Karns High School. Williamson has moved schools several times in the past, and now, she is making herself at home in the halls of Central.
Williamson spends her days going into different classrooms to help students. Occasionally, she will pull them out of class to give them one on one help. Due to COVID-19, Williamson also uses Zoom to have breakout sessions with her students. If Williamson is not in another classroom, she can be found in her office in the center of E-Pod, accompanying Dr. Henderson and Mrs. Cain. Henderson believes that Williamson is adapting to her new job by “taking it in stride with being in a new school district.”
“So far, everyone here at Central has been kind and helpful, even though they are stressed about teaching during COVID[-19],” stated Willismson.
When asked about things she does outside of school, Williamson shared, “There are so many outdoor areas that we’ll go hiking or paddle boarding on the weekends.”
Williamson enjoys exploring Chattanooga alongside her husband, and, prior to the Coronavirus outbreak, she enjoyed attending concerts and music festivals.
Williamson is another wonderful addition to the Central staff. Here, she can continue her love for teaching.