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CARM'S CORNER: SANTA'S FAVORITE! -- Happy Holidays Central!
It’s December, Central! We’re finishing up our EOC’s and finals…yay! It’s been what feels like forever getting to the end of semester one, but we finally did it. Fall sports are now over and we’re moving into winter sports like basketball and wrestling. There’s a lot to look forward to as we end this semester, specifically winter break. In winter break there’s Christmas and the beginning of a brand NEW year, isn’t that crazy? I, personally, am ready for a new year but I’m also ready to jump into some family Christmas traditions and enjoy the holidays.
One tradition that I partake in every year is one with my dad. My dad is German and there’s a German tradition that we do every single year. Each year my dad hides a pickle shaped ornament or just a fake pickle in the Christmas tree and then tells me and my siblings to go find it. The game usually goes whoever finds it first wins a prize. I have yet to find the pickle first, my brothers always find it before me. Who knows? Maybe this year will be my year.
Another tradition I participate in each year is with my mom. We all get together on Christmas Eve, play games, and open some gifts. A lot of people do this for Christmas Eve but it makes me especially happy because getting to see family that I haven’t seen in a long time has always been very exciting for me. When I was younger, me and my sisters would always get matching pajamas as a tradition too, but that one hasn’t stuck around like the rest.
My family and I also love to take this time to watch some classic Christmas movies. Some of our favorites include Elf, Charlie Brown’s Christmas, Christmas Vacation, and Home Alone. Christmas time always brings out the quality time spent with my family, and I think that’s one of my favorite parts about the holiday season.
No matter what your plans or traditions are for this holiday season, remember to cherish your loved ones and hold close the time you get to spend with them. Whether that comes in the form of watching a movie with the family or everyone being together for one day out of the year. A lot of giving goes around this time of year so try and give back if you haven’t already. Lets also remember a new year is also rapidly approaching. After everything 2021 has put us through I’m hopeful for this new start. I’m excited to see what happens in the upcoming year and even more excited to experience it. Lets come back to Central with a clean slate and a motivation to get through our final semester! Happy Holidays!