SWINGING HIS WAY TO STATE -- Senior Joseph Clark is working his way to the top as the only golfer for Central.
Central is kicking off the golf season with only one team member, senior Joseph Clark.
“It’s going to be [a] pretty fun season with me being the only one on the team – my coach can actually focus on me, and I have more one-on-one time, which will make me a better player in the end,” stated Clark.
Head Coach Luke Robinson is ready to prepare Joseph to compete for an individual state title.
“Because Joseph is the sole player on Central’s team, he can only win as an individual, so we will focus on that,” said Robinson.
The geometry teacher is also thinking about what the team will look like next year as Joseph is a senior.
“I am pretty sure we will still have a team. I can find some players, and maybe our team will be bigger than the last couple of years,” shared Robinson.
Joseph has tried talking to students about how fun the sport is, but it seems like no one at Central is very interested.
“I have tried to get others to play, especially my friends, but no one really wants to. There were a couple of sophomores practicing with me, but they won’t be competing this year, and I also don’t think they are even considering [playing next year],” expressed Clark.
Joseph will be tagging along with other teams to compete in tournaments to get his solo scores up and possibly qualify for region or state competitions.
“I won’t have a chance of winning any tournaments against other schools, but I’ll be going with other schools to get my personal overall score up,” explained Clark.