Cassandra Castillo
FORWARD THINKING FOR THE 2018 BOY'S BASKETBALL SEASON -- Ball going into the hoop of Central's gym.
It is almost time for basketball season, with tryouts completed, many people are wondering what the boy’s team could look like this year.
“I have high hopes for this season, there will be a fair amount of parity in the league. We should be able to compete with nearly every other team in the league this year.” explained Rick Rodgers, Pounders basketball head coach.
The basketball team will have 12 boys on the varsity team and 12 boys on the junior varsity team. Team members will be announced soon.
“Central will likely have a young team this year as we have a lot of great young basketball players this year,” predicted Mr. Rodgers.
Last year’s team also has confidence in their ability to do well this season.
“I believe we could go to championships this year, I think we have a great team and all of the team from last year are going to work hard to make sure this is a great season for Central.” said Quinnus White, Sophmore at Central High.
Although the players and the coaches both have high hopes for the 201season, It is a fair bit too early to truly predict just how well Central can do this year. We will have players that were not on the team last year and that will make a large difference in the team, One way or another. Regardless, most of Central believes we can take it far this year.