Savannah Smith
STUDENT CUTS OPEN SHEEP HEART -- Nikki Greene starts dissecting a sheep heart in Mrs.Sellars' Anatomy class.
On February 5th, Mrs. Sellers’s Aquatic Biology and Anatomy classes dissected animals. In Aquatic Biology, students dissected earthworms and in Anatomy, they dissected chicken wings and sheep hearts. Throughout the remainder of the school year, they will be dissecting fish, clam, starfish, crayfish, frogs, grasshoppers, cats, and an eyeball.
“I have both Anatomy and Aquatic Biology. I actually wasn’t scared at all when I found out we were going to dissect something. I found it interesting, dissecting things and seeing all of the parts of what we’re dissecting. I was a little nervous getting into it because I wasn’t too sure what I was doing, but once I started dissecting, it wasn’t as bad as I thought,” stated junior and Anatomy student, Miranda Spainhower.
“I only dissect for the purpose of teaching the students about my favorite subject, Biology. If you have ever wondered what a piece of equipment looks like on the inside… then you will understand why biologists want to know what things look like on the inside to fully understand their beauty and uniqueness in the world,” shared Mrs.Sellers, Aquatic Biology and Anatomy teacher.
Many students were wary of where the animals came from, however, Mrs. Sellers assured the students that the specimens came from Carolina Biological. They purchase the cats from kill shelters, after they have been euthanized and the other specimens are from people who earn their living growing, harvesting, or simply finding the different organisms.
“I do not dissect for the shock value, but for the purpose of teaching about these wonderful creatures to students who would not know much about them if I did not make them. I also hope it helps some get over their squeamish feelings about creatures and life forms,” expressed Mrs. Sellers.