Central Travels for Christmas

CENTRAL TRAVELS FOR CHRISTMAS — Central students travel near and far, north and south, to see their families.
December 17, 2021
As Christmas is rapidly approaching, students and teachers are making plans to travel for Christmas. Weather it be on a lavish vacation or to a relative’s house, this time of year is the most popular for travelers. Tennessee is pretty mixed as far as travelling goes due to the the high volume of incoming and outgoing traffic. For Tennesseeans, Florida is a popular destination for the holidays, as it has a nice, warmer climate during the coldest time of the year.
“I am going to Tampa [Bay], Florida to go to my sister’s house for Christmas,” stated sophomore, Jeremiah Hingleton.
The warmer weather seems to draw holiday travelers in like fish to bait. The cold is inevitable; most people do not like enduring it. In fact, Misty Jones, an English teacher at Central is going as far as to completely leave the Unites States for the holidays:
“We are going on a cruise to The Caribbean because we want to go somewhere where it’s really warm.”
As presented, going more down South seems to be a common trend around this time of the year as the weather is a lot more bearable; however, sophomore, Justin Crook, has different plans for the holidays:
“I am going with family to Louisville, and then we are going to Indianapolis,” stated Crook.
For those traveling north for winter break, they will be more cold than they have been here. People seem to be going many different places for the holidays, but at the end of the day, it is not about the weather. It is about spending time with the people you love and care for.