David Wilson (’66) Edited the Digest, Worked 40 Years in Credit Union

Allie Nedeau, Editor-in-Chief

Alumni, David Wilson served as the Editor-in-Chief of the Central Digest in 1966. The Central Digest was originally an actual newspaper that was published on a weekly basis.

“The Digest was very popular, students couldn’t wait for it to be published! It was a weekly event,” stated Mr. David Wilson.

The staff consisted of about 15-20 students and every member was a major asset to getting the paper published on time. The lengthy process of production included a hot metal type, writing it out, getting a proof, editing, and then, finishing with the final print.

“Many hours were spent to get the paper produced, we all had to pull together,” commented Wilson.

During his time as Editor-in-Chief, the Digest received its first superlative award from the University of Tennessee scholastic journal.

Before Wilson became Editor-in-Chief, he served as the papers sports editor. After graduating from Central, Wilson became a Journalism major at the University of Georgia and he wrote for a local magazine. He also worked in PR and graphic design, then retired last year from the Tennessee Credit Union League after 40 long years of service. Wilson explained that he used his knowledge of journalism to assist him throughout his entire career.

Wilson gives all of the credit of his successes to his teacher, Ms. Margerie Ogle. She was the one who encouraged him to get involved with the school paper.

“Ms. Ogle saw something in me that I didn’t know existed! I’m very grateful for her pushing me to get out of my comfort zone,” exclaimed Wilson.

David Wilson remains a proud Purple Pounder at heart and encourages many students to get out of their comfort zone and to try something new!