Registration Day at Central Proves Busy and Exciting

PREPARING FOR A NEW SCHOOL YEAR — 2015-2016 schedules and parking passes were distributed on registration day.
August 17, 2015
For two months, the halls at Central High stood quiet and empty. There was no chatter among students between classes, no homework or tests, and no graduation date looming ahead. School was out, and summer was in. On August 10, students returned to school to pick up schedules and parking passes, and the building came to life again. Students, parents, and teachers filled the halls, friends were reunited, and a new school year began to take shape. The day was deemed an overall success.
“I think it went great – it was just kind of crazy because everyone wanted to have the right classes,” shared sophomore Haylee Smith.
Like every year, many students wanted to change a class or two. The table to apply for a schedule change, manned by Mr. Keith Bright, had a line the whole day. Students could request to change classes for any number of reasons, including needing a class to graduate, having already taken a class, being uninterested in a class, or simply changing their mind after signing up for a class.
“I had to make changes, but I feel like it exactly won’t work out the way I hope,” stated Kassandra Connor, now a senior. “I originally wanted forensic [science], but I got put in physics because forensics wouldn’t fit.”
Even though classes do not always work out the way students hope, the end result is usually better than they originally expected.
“[I’m looking forward to] being in Mrs. White’s creative writing class [and] seeing my friends since I didn’t really get to see them over the summer,” Kassandra said optimistically.
“I’m excited to meet my new teachers and classmates” stated Haylee, who is also anticipating geometry and Spanish III. “I’m mostly looking forward to being a sophomore.”
As summer comes to a close and school starts back up, the Central Digest is counting on another great year at the Home of the Purple Pounders! We will be back bringing you news on all things Central throughout the school year.