2015-2016 School Year Is Off to a Smooth Start

CLASS CHANGE — So far, the students and faculty at Central High have had a smooth start to the 2015-16 school year.
August 21, 2015
Good-bye to late nights and sleeping in, and hello to early mornings and hectic school days. While freshmen and sophomores are waking up to catch the bus, upperclassmen are driving down the road to graduation. Emma Beach, a senior at Central, has high hopes for this school year.
“There’s finally a light at the end of the tunnel!” Beach commented on the Class of 2016.
The softball player sees looking out for the younger students as one of her main roles as a senior. She is looking forward to what this school year has to offer.
For freshmen students, adjusting to a new school and schedule may not be as easy. Some underclassmen, also known as the “grapes” of Central, have to adapt to purple polo shirts and a seven-class schedule.
“It’s been kind of difficult waking up early and dealing with so many classes a day,” Zariah McDonald explained when asked how she felt about her schedule. Other than these adjustments, the freshman is looking forward to meeting new people and proudly representing the Central volleyball team.
Not only has the student body had to adapt to the school routine, teachers and faculty have had to as well. For U.S. History teacher Shawn Seals, numerous new standards have to be taught this year, including writing requirements for every subject. As a teacher and adviser for the yearbook, he is looking forward to meeting new students and contributing to a memorable year.
“I think the guidance counselors have done a good job of organizing schedules this year. It’s been very smooth,” noted Mr. Seals. He believes this school year is off to a great start and is eager to see how his classes play out.
Overall, Central High and all of the students are thriving. With continued hard work from faculty and the student body, the Central Digest is positive that 2015-2016 will be a successful year.