Central Introduces Manufacturing Classes to Students

CENTRAL INTRODUCES MANUFACTURING CLASS TO STUDENTS-- Manufacturing teacher, Jonathan King lets students experience new types of machines and technology.

CENTRAL INTRODUCES MANUFACTURING CLASS TO STUDENTS– Manufacturing teacher, Jonathan King lets students experience new types of machines and technology.

Meghan Duncan, Staff Writer

Central has introduced a manufacturing class to students. The class introduces new machines to students, and it gives a basic foundation of what they need to know for the future.

Jonathon King, the current manufacturing teacher here at Central, is excited about the having the opportunity to teach the class and is looking forward to sharing his knowledge with students.

“This class helps a lot with giving students knowledge about what manufacturing is really about and it really sets a good pathway for students who want to get involved in jobs.” explained King.

King has two classes during school hours that consists of 25 students. Students get to experience new machines, robotics, as well as learning how to develop blue prints.

“We basically learn about how things are manufactured and different ways to do them, we have done some molding and casting on some things like a pencil or a bottle cap. We have learned a lot about measurements and how to read measuring tapes.” shared Chris Swartout, a junior at Central.

King wants his students to know the importance of manufacturing and have a good idea of what should be expected in a future career in manufacturing. Most jobs usually depend on manufacturing and it is one of the best ways to make money.

“I just want to learn how manufacturing can help me after I get out of high school and what I need to know to be successful.” admitted Swartout.

Central is now giving students the opportunity to develop an understanding of the basics of manufacturing and get a head start on a possible career. Central High School and the Digest are excited to see where this class will take Central students!