New App Allows Students to Contribute Yearbook Photos

SHARE YOUR PICTURES NOW — With the new image share app, students can upload photos for the upcoming yearbook.
September 15, 2016
The yearbook committee is constantly capturing all the action with their a camera and collecting other photos from students. Two years ago, a former student and now alumni member Buffy Hoge, donated the camera, and it has been used to collect dozens of pictures of students and activities.
“We cover a combination of things,” explained Shawn Seals, the US History teacher and yearbook sponsor. “The staff does it all; [they] take the pictures, write the articles, et cetera.”
This year, they are offering students the option to send in their own personal school photos with the app ImageShare by Balfour. Students must login with the project number, 717973, and the password, purplepounders, to submit photos for the yearbook. The yearbook staff is working hard to include many of the photos, and they love viewing the submitted photos.
Although pictures are one of the most important aspect of the yearbook, the staff is taking the opportunity to include many more articles than previous years. These articles can range anything from the picture of the month, a new feature, to a student life article. The staff makes sure it is a fun, exciting experience to flip through the Central-spirited pages.
“We really aim to use a lot of purple and gold,” shared Seals. “We carry over some of the designs from the front cover and go from there.”
Although the yearbook cover is still in its final drafting stages and it will not be released until much later in the year,but they have allowed a hint to slip through the cracks: “school spirit looks good on everyone.”
The creation of the school’s yearbook is a long process that is an all-year business, but it is definitely worth the wait.
“We usually try to be done by Spring Break,” Seals stated. “We want to make sure the seniors can get them in time.”
The yearbook staff is encouraging students to purchase the 2016-2017 yearbook for only $81.93, excluding any add-ons, until the 31st of October. The price will raise an extra ten dollars after that day.
If you have ever wondered why you see people running around the halls with a camera in their hands, it is just your high school yearbook team capturing Central’s history day by day. Next time you see one, make sure to pose for a photo and you might just find yourself on the next page.