New Central Mural Creates Mixed Feelings

NEW WINDOW ART STIRS MIXED FEELINGS — New window decal covers the art room windows.
November 16, 2017
While many changes are expected to occur throughout the school year, not all of them are immediately evident. However, on November 10, a change was made to Central’s campus that is apparent to all who walk by.
This very recent change is a window covering on the outside of the art room. What was once a span of windows now appears to be a school-spirited mural.
The main focal point of the mural is an image of the former Central High School with silhouettes of students around it. In addition, there is the Central High School seal and hammer and anvil on either side.
While the windows let in a lot of natural light and were aesthetically pleasing, there have been concerns about covering them for a while.
“I have had to cover the windows with posters, but the sun discolored them. The county wanted it covered up to six feet, so I told the county that they needed to cover it up to six feet,” art teacher Mickey Robinson disclosed.
“I’m just glad to have it covered so I don’t have to cover it with posters anymore,” Robinson added.
The reasoning behind the window covering was mainly a security concern.
“It’s a safety issue. We don’t want anybody to be able to see in, including people intending harm,” Mr. Robinson stated.
While the decal alleviates the county’s concerns, it only contributes to many students’ dissatisfaction. This is mainly because it is completely opaque and non-reflective, unlike the one on the gym windows. For artists, natural light is a necessity, so the sudden lack of it is disorienting and somewhat inhibiting. Even the view of the scenery contributed to students’ creative process.
“I hate it. I loved looking outside and seeing the roses and the pretty day. I feel cooped up, and it’s dark in here now. This was the one class that I could enjoy outside, and now I can’t,” senior art student, Noah Vandermolen expressed.
“I wish that I could see out of it,” junior art student, Ashley Smith agreed.
Students are especially disgruntled with the opacity of the windows because of the fact that while the gym entrance is covered as well, it has holes that allow people to see out.
“It’s just another example of sports being put ahead of art, and [sports] getting special treatment and more money,” Vandermolen declared.
Money is the exact obstacle that caused this disproportionate treatment.
“It would be several hundred more dollars to be able to see out of [the window covering]; They went with the cheapest option,” Mr. Robinson explained.
Students have been disappointed to say the least with the window covering, and with finding out about it so suddenly.
“If we could’ve done an art show and raised money to get a window that we could see out of, that would’ve been great. It would have been a huge boost for young artists, and for a good cause,” Vandermolen observed.
While this window decal is not what the art students and Mr. Robinson desired, it is now up to everyone as for what happens next. The removal of the decal is probably not an option at this point, but perhaps this is the uniting incident that brings together students and pushes them to raise money for the needful art department in the future.