Central Digest Named a SNO National Website of Distinction Second Year in a Row

CENTRAL DIGEST NAMED A SNO NATIONAL WEBSITE OF DISTINCTION SECOND YEAR IN A ROW — The Central Digest staff with their SNO National Website of Distinction plaque
May 13, 2018
The Central Digest has been the main source of student information at Central High School for many years. Whether it be in the print or online editions, the staff of the Central Digest works hard to provide the latest news to its viewers. This year, that hard work has paid off again as the Central Digest has been named a Student Newspapers Online (SNO) National Website of Distinction for the second year in a row.
“Each year, SNO offers student newspaper programs with outstanding online journalism the opportunity to apply to become a SNO Distinguished Site…the staff of Chattanooga Central High School’s publication, The Central Digest, earned this status,” explained Alex McNamee, the SNO Distinguished Sites Committee Chairman.
This year, 28 online newspapers across the country earned the status of SNO Distinguished Site. The Central Digest has been the only one to earn this status in Tennessee for two years.
“It was just like Christmas when I received it, I was so excited… I knew about the award beforehand, but actually receiving the award was a great experience,” stated Principal Finley King.
To become a SNO National Website of Distinction, the online newspaper has to earn all six SNO badges. The badges include: Continuous Coverage, Site Excellence, Story Page Excellence, Excellence in Writing, Multimedia, and Audience Engagement. The Central Digest staff has worked hard all year to ensure all of the badge requirements for the website were met.
“The staff worked very hard all year to ensure we had all of the badges. I could not be prouder of the staff. It is a great way to end the school year,” stated Gregory Cantrell, English 11 instructor and journalism adviser.
The Central Digest is proud of the award and all of the hard work that was put in during this year to receive the award. The Central Digest staff is hoping to continue this hard work in future editions. Hopefully, the hard work can bring along more awards for the website.