Former Chemistry Teacher, Brielle Farrow, Promoted to Instructional Coach

FORMER CHEMISTRY TEACHER BRIELLE FARROW IS NEW INSTRUCTIONAL COACH — Former chemistry teacher Farrow is excited about the new school year.
August 28, 2018
Brielle Farrow, more commonly known as Mrs. Farrow, has been promoted to Central High’s new instructional coach. Formerly an AP, Honors, and General Chemistry teacher, Farrow now constantly works with other teachers and administration to improve student achievement and prepare future-ready students. She helps these students by providing teachers with professional development opportunities. As the new instructional coach, Mrs. Farrow has learned about the amount of work and planning that goes into implementing new programs within the school.
“Getting to work with all teachers, going into teachers’ classrooms, and making connections are some of my favorite aspects of this new position,” replied Mrs. Farrow.
What she misses most about teaching her chemistry classes are her students and the subject she loves. Going from the classroom to hovering from room to room is quite the transition. Although, she has made this a swift and easy process.
“Excited is the only word I can use to describe how I feel about this position,” responded Mrs. Farrow.
What she hopes to accomplish most as a instructional coach is help to improve student achievement by working with teachers. In addition, she hopes to help new teachers in this profession while still learning from other educators.
This past year marked her ninth year of teaching. However, this current year will be her tenth year in a school position, but now as an instructional coach. Her everyday is very busy. She is constantly going from class to class looking on where she can improve students’ learning; working with the teachers is helping the students in her case.
Mrs. Farrow has been a Purple Pounder for most of her life; Central High School is where Mrs. Farrow attended school, taught, and is now the instructional coach. Her favorite thing about Central High in particular is her opportunity to work with an “awesome faculty” and “great administrators.”