AEDs are Installed as a Result of New Bill Being Passed

AEDS INSTALLED AS A RESULT OF NEW BILL BEING PASSED — Students analyze new AED and Epi-pen’s established near the front entrance.
September 13, 2018
An AED, or automated external defibrillator, can save lives, but they are not always in the right place at the right time. Nine years ago, a student was playing in a school gymnasium when he had a heart attack and died because he could not receive immediate medical attention from an AED. This has convinced Tennessee educators to create a law that deemed AEDs mandatory in school gymnasiums and cafeterias.
”I think it is a good idea to put them in the gym because that is where heart attacks are most likely to happen, and it could definitely save lives,” divulged Justin Rameriez, a freshman student.
Encouraging schools to get AEDs will increase the chances of someone surviving an accident, especially in schools that don’t have the funding to get AEDs in the right places. The bill provides government funding for schools that can’t afford them, as well as emphasize that the school personnel undergoes proper training for AED usage.
It is important to receive immediate attention from an AED or CPR during heart failure because otherwise, there is a possibility that the heart will not be able to start beating normally again. An electric shock is used to get the heart back to going again and decrease the time and effects of cardiac arrest. With these new installations, the number of deaths resulting from heart attacks at school would be dramatically reduced.
With AEDs being placed in schools, many people feel safer knowing that a person would be more likely to survive in the event of an accident. The state hopes that by implementing safe CPR and AED operation within Tennessee school staff they will be able save the lives of many in the future.