Sarah Katheron Latham and Riley Martin are Recognized as Carson Scholars

SARAH KATHERON LATHAM AND RILEY MARTIN ARE RECOGNIZED AS CARSON SCHOLARS — Freshman Sarah Katheron Latham and Junior Riley Martin are being recognized as Ben Carson Scholars for their second time now.
April 30, 2020
Freshman Sarah Katheron Latham and Junior Riley Martin were recently recognized as Carson Scholars by the Carson Scholars Fund, founded by Ben and Candy Carson.
“The Carson Scholars program is used to recognize students who the faculty at a school believe are a strong leaders who seek to improve their community through community service,” Martin explained.
In order to receive the honor, students must first be nominated by their teacher. After that, they must fill out an application that includes their academic record, a teacher recommendation, as well as an essay. One student can be nominated from each school if they maintain at least a 3.75 GPA and have actively served in their community.
If selected, students will receive a one-time $1,000 scholarship to a four year post-secondary institution; however, scholars can be recognized each year if they continue to succeed academically.
“After the first year you reapply, if you receive [the title] for 6 years, then you get another $1,000 dollar scholarship,” Martin added. “I was first recognized my eighth grade year and when I received the letter saying that I had been accepted I was so happy. I had put a lot of work into the entry process, and I was excited to see it pay off.”
Each year a student is recognized, they receive a new pin to add to their medal.
Since 1996, there have been over 8,800 scholarships awarded to recipients, with over 3,000 Carson Scholars being applauded for exhibiting academic excellence and humanitarian work, 194 of them being Tennesseans. Ben and Candy Carson created this initiative in order to reward students that maintain high academic standing, as they tend to be overlooked.

SARAH KATHERON LATHAM AND RILEY MARTIN ARE RECOGNIZED AS CARSON SCHOLARS — Sarah Katheron Latham is honored with an official medal at the Carson Scholars banquet.
“Through all of this, it’s been really encouraging that all of my efforts of the past are worth something,” Latham revealed.
Latham was first recognized after an eighth grade teacher nominated her, so this will also be her second time obtaining the status of Carson Scholar. However, she first heard about the program from a counselor in the fifth grade.
Latham is a staff writer for The Central Digest, and is a very active member of the school’s Ruriteen Club. She also sings for Central’s choir department, her church’s youth choir, and the adult choir around Christmas.
Each chapter holds a banquet to honor new and accredited Carson Scholars. The Chattanooga area currently has around 52 recognized scholars. Latham got to perform at the last banquet they held and saw it as a really honorable and exciting experience.
“[The banquet] was the most fun part. There is just something special about being able to hear guest speakers at a conference,” Latham stated.
Martin is also involved in several groups and organizations such as Central’s boys soccer team, robotics, the Boy Scouts, as well as his church’s youth group.
Central’s students and faculty are proud to have two students receive the honor multiple times, and the aforementioned students are grateful for the support the Carson Scholars Fund provides.
“It has encouraged me to keep working to improve my community and strive to work hard in school. I plan to apply every year that I am eligible,” concluded Martin.