2020 Fall Picture Day Goes Smoothly Despite Pandemic

Blake Catlett

FALL PICTURES GO SMOOTHLY DESPITE PANDEMIC — LifeTouch is Central’s provider for school pictures.

Bailey Brantingham, Editor

Going into this school year, many things became uncertain and unplanned. Things like sports, clubs, and even picture day have been jeopardized due to the pandemic looming over the country. Many staff members and students have worked hard to make these things happen so that the school year could continue as normally as possible. This year, the process of picture day was no exception.

On Wednesday, October 21, many staff members worked hard to earn the cooperation from students to be able to let school picture day proceed normally. Central’s United States history teacher Shawn Seals was the head of the operation this year as usual. He made sure that picture day was as safe and cautious as possible by implementing state-recommended and required safety mandates.

“To help with safety, this year’s picture day was a process that used no name cards, which allowed students and teachers to simply tell their names to the photographers,” Seals explained. “This cut down on contact between the photographer and the person being photographed.  We brought fewer people into the gym at one time, which helped keep the number of students in the gym at one time to a minimum.  Also, hand sanitizer and masks were provided for anyone who needed them.”

Like usual, seniors were required to schedule their portraits with Prestige by Lifetouch off-campus. All lowerclassmen were photographed from their first period classes. As for at-home students, most came to campus after the in-person students were photographed.

While the at-home students arrived on campus to get their pictures taken, the in-person students remained in their normal classes. This helped reduce the amount of contact between students by separating the at-home and in-person learners.

“I’d say it went pretty easily, I think we only photographed the students who were at school and the few at-home ones who came,” shared in-person Senior Morgan Watts. “Overall, it went pretty well as Mr. Seals had told us it would.”

Although there were many concerns about the process of picture day and the safety of students this year, Central staff worked together to make fall picture day picture-perfect. The staff in charge of picture day thank all of the students for their cooperation and helping picture day go on smoothly and safely. They also want to remind any at-home students who missed picture day to schedule an appointment with Lifetouch to get their pictures taken at their studio. This year’s picture day proves once again that, when the Central staff and students come together, they can make anything happen.