Misty Jones is Central’s Teacher of the Month for October

MISTY JONES IS CENTRAL’S TEACHER OF THE MONTH FOR OCTOBER — Mrs. Misty Jones is presented with a certificate for earning the teacher of the month award.
November 16, 2020
Many teachers are considered when it comes time to decide the teacher of the month, and Misty Jones was selected for the title for the month of October by Central students and administration. This being Jones’s second year at Central, this award means a lot to her.
“I am honored that my students thought enough of me to nominate me for teacher of the month. It always feels good to have your hard work recognized,” stated Jones.
Jones is an English Ten teacher, and she hopes to continue her career at Central as an educator and a role model for students. Jones recently transferred from Notre Dame, where she also taught English for multiple years.
Jones has been teaching for many years, and a majority of her teaching career has been in the English department. She has had many experiences and many successes throughout the years. Although this year has had its challenges, she is trying her hardest to adapt and improve.
“This year has definitely been a challenge. I try to make sure all of my students know that they can contact me with any questions, whether they are at school or at home. I contact any students who are struggling to see what I can do to help them,” commented Jones.
This year alone has been rough on all of us, so for Jones to be awarded the teacher of the month during all of this just goes to show how much hard work and dedication she puts into teaching. COVID-19 has made everything much more stressful on everyone, especially for teachers, who have had to adapt to overcome this tough challenge.
Some teachers have had to create whole new ways of teaching to compensate for all of their online and in-person attendees. With a majority of classes having to deal with split classes, teachers have had to create a whole new lesson plan that involves online students and in person students.
Jones has been actively trying to find new ways to try and be the best teacher than she can be for her students. Her ability to rise and find new ways to teach these students is a major part of why she won the teacher of the month award.
“I would like to thank all of my colleagues and administration at Central because they are so supportive,” said Jones.
Jones hopes to continue this year and finish strong. This year has had its challenges, and we can only hope that there are more teachers, like Mrs. Jones, who can enhance our learning capabilities.