Ms. Melody Hoffman Named Central’s First ‘Staff Spotlight of the Month’
February 23, 2022
When the voting for Central’s Teacher of the Month program changed to online voting, an additional honor was added for recognition: staff spotlight.
Receiving the first honor was Ms. Melody Hoffman, ninth- and tenth-grade counselor.
“I feel very honored!” exclaimed Ms. Hoffman, who is in her first year at Central.
Hoffman said that she definitely enjoyed the recognition and she believes that teacher of the month and staff spotlight are great ways to support and recognize the teachers and the staff at Central.
“It is always encouraging to hear that other people appreciate you,” she said.
In addition, Hoffman received the actual nomination votes that included personal messages from students. This semester, the Positivity Club has taken over the tasks of organizing and naming teachers of the month and staff spotlight honors.
“I thoroughly enjoyed reading the letters that I had received because it showed me that I have had a positive impact on the students,” she said. “I will definitely keep these letters so that I can read them in the future.”
The letters Ms. Hoffman was given were not the only things that she received. In addition, she received a sign for her office door. There is also a display in the main hallway that includes all of the teachers of the month and staff spotlights. Mr. Kevin Parsons was named as January’s Teacher of the Month.
“I voted for Ms. Hoffman because she helps around the school a lot, I’ve seen her coming by classes and telling us ways to positively improve our lives.” Stated Kealey a Freshman “I think she deserves the spotlight because she’s very patient and takes her time to listen and she doesn’t just respond with okay or yea.”