The 2022 Miss Central Court Announced
THE 2022 MISS CENTRAL COURT ANNOUNCED — The 2022 Miss Central Candidates have been announced (top row) Karleigh Schwarzl, Janetth Colunga, Chloe Barbee, (bottom row) Janna Walker, Carmen Breitenbach, and Kendra Jones.
March 14, 2022
This coming May 13, Central will be nominating Mr. and Miss Central for the class of 2022. This is a very exciting event with 12 seniors being nominated. 6 girls and 6 boys.
The nominees for Miss Central include:
Chloe Barbee
Chloe Barbee, daughter of Omar Barbee and Sherry Smith, is a cheerleader for the Purple Pounders, a Beta Club member, and enjoys feeding animals in her free time.
Chloe has a 3.5 G.P.A. and plans on attending Tennessee State University on a full-ride scholarship to major in dental while learning the step of real estate on the side.
What is one memory from high school you will always remember?
“I will always remember my freshman year of high school hoping that my day of graduation will fly by as the upperclassmen did, now here I am my senior graduating in almost 2 months wondering how time came so fast.”
Carmen Breitenbach
Carmen Breitenbach, daughter of Wendi and Richard Breitenbach has played Central volleyball for four years, is a member of Beta Club and National Honor Society, and is a leader on her church’s media team.
Carmen has a 3.7 G.P.A. and plans to go to Cleveland State for two years and then transfer to Lee University or UTC to major in Psychology. She hopes to have her own practice.
What is one memory from high school you will always remember?
“It’s hard to sum up, but I mostly remember all the football games and school events I got to attend that helped me build amazing friendships. I am also going to remember the teachers who helped me get to where I am and who pushed me to be the very best student academically and morally I could be.”
Janetth Colunga
Janetth Colunga, daughter of Liliana and Tello Colunga, is a part of Beta Club and National Honor Society, a member of the Ruriteens, and plays Central soccer
Janetth has a 3.8 G.P.A. and plans on attending Chatt state for two years before transferring to Kennesaw state university to presume her career in nursing and someday become a traveling nurse. She had also mentioned that she would like to open a small clothing business with the latest trends and styles.
What is one memory from high school you will always remember?
“Mr. fletchers kindness and caring soul and even bringing us Krispy Kreme doughnuts for our accomplishments in class.”
Kendra Jones
Kendra Jones, daughter of Kristina and Jeremy Jones, is a Beta Cub and National Honor Society member, she is also involved in Leadership, Central Digest, and Cross Country for CHS
Kendra has a G.P.A. of 3.96 and plans to pursue a degree in Biology. She had also mentioned having an interest in pursuing a career in the medical field.
What is one memory from high school you will always remember?
“I can’t recall a specific memory ill never forget but I know I’ll always remember the times I spent at Track and Cross Country meets with my teammates and friends. Those meets formed lifelong friendships that I’ll never forget.”
Karleigh Schwarzl
Karleigh Schwarzl, daughter of Tiffany and Dane Schwarzl, volunteers at the Chattanooga Area Food Bank and church, plays soccer and softball for CHS, is a member of the Ruriteen Club, the National Honor Society, Beta Club, Young Life, and FCA.
Karleigh has a 3.89 G.P.A. and plans to attend the University of Tennessee at Knoxville to major in graphic design.
What is one memory from high school you will always remember?
“I will remember hitting my first homerun in the championship game against Hixson in the Wildcat Invitational. Getting to stand along my teammates and experience that is something I will never forget.”
Janna Walker
Janna Walker, daughter of Merriam and James Walker, works in local Community Kitchen Services, is a member of National Honor Society, Beta Club, and the Yearbook staff, and also does Cheerleading for CHS
Janna has a 3.7 G.P.A. and plans on attending Tennessee State University on a full-ride scholarship to study dental hygiene.
What is one memory from high school you will always remember?
“One memory from high school I will remember after High school is the amount of growth and change that I went through.”