2022-23 Cheerleaders Selling ‘#CentralStrong’ Decals
May 17, 2022
Have you got Central Fever? Do you bubble over with Purple Pounder pride? If so, show it off with a new “#CentralStrong” cling decal being sold by the 2022-23 cheer squad.
“I am wanting to sell these to promote school spirit and to help raise money for new uniforms and to help pay for camp,” stated Mrs. Stacy Alexander, cheer coach.
Cheer camp 2022 will be held in Gatlinburg between June 20 and June 22. 11 girls, along with Mrs. Stacy Alexander, will be participating.
These decal stickers have “#CentralStrong” written in purple on a gold background that stands out.
“The stickers don’t even have to be used on your car. They can also be used in your room, on your phone case, hung up in your office, or maybe even placed on your fridge,” she said.
The stickers themselves cost $12 each and can be purchased at the school or by contacting Mrs. Alexander, who will be starting her second year as a cheer coach for Central High.
Sales are off to a slow start since the school year is closing, but Alexander is optimistic that things will pick up.
“The company, Just Right Print Shop, contacted me about having this as a fundraiser because they had done this with other schools,” Mrs. Alexander explained. “I love them because they are simple.”
Mr. Ryan Mallory, English teacher and wrestling coach, bought his decal and is ready to promote his Central pride.
“The cheerleaders do a great job of promoting school spirit and I want to support them,” Mallory said.