Editorial: Students Lose Focus At the End of the Year

STUDENT CHECKS GRADES ON POWERSCHOOL — Josh Sizemore logs into PowerSchool to review his fourth quarter grades.
April 18, 2016
The end of the school year is just around the corner. Students are starting to not be as motivated to do well in their classes knowing that summer break is almost here. This can start a downward spiral.
When we start to get lazy on homework, classwork, and tests, our grades will drop. It does not take much for a grade to go down, but it takes a lot to get an average back up. Those few points that we lose can turn into whole letter grades.
“Think about the end game- the end of high school. Think about what grades you want, and don’t let one quarter ruin it,” reasoned Alea Frazier, a senior.
How we use our time now will either make it easier or harder later on. Failing a class results in not receiving a credit for that course. That means one more credit students will have to earn the next school year.
“Reward yourself for accomplishing things, so, if you finish an assignment you get to watch an episode of your favorite show,” suggested Hannah Holmberg, junior at Central.
If necessary, have an incentive. To get ourselves to work, we have to get motivated.
Some have compared the school year to running track. Students have to work hard throughout the entire year, and can not just give up or slow down on the final stretch. We may not reach our goal, so we have to push ourselves to the end.
“It is important to keep working even at the end of the year because these grades count too. Grades don’t stop because we are tired; you have to keep going,” stated Holmberg.
The Central Digest encourages students to continue working hard until the end of the year. Do not give up yet, summer is almost here!