Students Are Still Concerned About Safety At School
November 28, 2017
Feeling safe at school is a divided opinion. Some students claim they do not feel safe while they are at school, and some do. It really just depends on where you live. Where some live, they are exposed to dangers like tornados or hurricanes. In other areas, this is barely even a possibility.
“Mostly yes,” claimed Alexis Archibald, a freshman at Central High School, when asked if she felt safe at school, “I’ve never felt threatened by anyone or anything, really. I don’t think any changes need to be made.”
While not many dangers occur inside schools often, there are very serious threats that could happen at any time. These include things such as school shooters, student threats, or even threats made by faculty. Also, one of the most common school dangers is natural disasters. The opportunity of this depends on where someone lives, but the only thing schools can do is have a plan for them.
Most students do not realize it, but the job of a teacher is not only to educate, but protect their students as well. All teachers are legally required to provide care and supervision of students like a parent would. If a child is harmed due to improper care at school, the parent may be able to file a personal injury lawsuit against the school.
“I feel safe because of our student resource officer and our trustworthy teachers,” claimed freshman Erin Bell.
Just remember, your teachers are here to protect you, so you should never feel unsafe. Even if there is the slightest chance of something bad happening while at school, the teachers and faculty will always have a plan. So, to stay safe all you have to do is be quiet, listen to your teacher, and if your life depends on it, run!