Editorial: Students Reflect on 2017 In Hopes of An Optimistic New Year

STUDENTS REFLECT ON 2017 IN HOPES OF AN OPTIMISTIC NEW YEAR — Shaqune Stewart, a sophomore at Central, reminisces the previous year.
January 22, 2018
The start of the new year arises a hope for new beginnings and a better life in general. With the political situation and racial issues that occurred in 2017, many people are now hoping for a better future in 2018.
“First of all, I hope that the political situation changes for the better. I want our president to change how he announces things and I hope that we can better the way we see things as citizens. Less ignorance is better and more diversity is greater, that’s what I plan to think of,” divulged sophomore, David Rudek.
Students are concerned with discrimination that occurred during 2017 involving race, religion, and sexuality; especially on social media.
“I want people to stop being so divided and become united, the way I see it is that we’re all alike and many people don’t see that,” expressed Danae Wnuk, a sophomore at Central.
“I want people to understand that no one whether it’s race, religion, sexuality, status/class, or gender makes someone superior to another,” added junior, Deanna Wnuk.
On the bright side, many people are using social media as away to express themselves in a positive way. They are accepted as how they are and many are being more expressive of their true beings. This helps others who feel like they need the extra push, feel accepted.
“I want to see people get rid of their idea of a perfect person. No one is perfect and everyone makes mistakes. People need to understand that and celebrate the differences. I know I will,” emitted sophomore, Abby Young.
Feminism and women empowerment both have been some of the more talked about subjects throughout previous years. Women are seen as more powerful and potent now due to their strenuous fight.
“I feel like we’re seen as better beings, not exactly equal yet, but I know that we’re very close to that. I hope 2018 is a year where things change and get better for us,” conveyed Freshman Karen Castillo.
Another delicate matter that was brought up in 2017 is sexual harassment toward women. These acts have happened in previous years and in some cases, decades before the matter has been brought up. Recently, however, few women and men have spoken up about the issue.
“I hope that we can teach one another to accept others choices, whether or not they agree with us. We shouldn’t control anyone, and no one should feel forced to engage in things they don’t want to do. This year, I want my generation to be more socially active and aware. I feel like we could do more to further our country like past generations have,” declaimed Junior Glenn Herrera.
Many things have occurred, both positive and negative, over the years. People have found a voice.. Some things have changed us for the better and some for the worse, but this year we are all hoping for a better future.
“I definately want to see change, and I know we will see that this year. People becoming true to themselves and seeing the good in other people is what will make this year great,” concluded Freshman Erin Taylor