Hello, Goodbye.

Preston Fore

HELLO, GOODBYE — My final picture with the rest of the seniors in the Central Digest.

John Britt, Staff Writer

Joining the Digest was a sort of unique journey for me. I never really joined any clubs, nor do I hold any sort of high commitment to most activities. However, due to me being good friends with the Editor-in-Chief, Preston Fore, I seriously considered to join the Central Digest. As my English teacher, Mr. Cantrell did a very good job of getting me to do some of my best writing that I have ever done, so I was highly interested in joining for that fact alone. So, I put in the papers, actually got them signed and joined the Digest.

My time at the Digest has been pretty enjoyable; I have spent a good amount of my time fixing technical issues that no one else in the room knows how to fix. I sincerely hope that in my absence that Cantrell finds another student that can handle basic computer issues. Not that I would not love to stop by on any occasion. Just that there is not enough time in the day to fix all the issues that happen between the days.

I also have written a fair amount of articles about a wide variety of topics. I am glad I had that opportunity, and I think it made me a stronger writer. Even if the Copy Editor, Jake Johns, feels it is necessary to yell about every missed comma. I appreciate the full commitment to good writing even if it seems a touch hurtful at times. I think Jake always had the best intentions in mind.

Now, my time around the school that is unrelated to the Digest has also been enjoyable. I came here during my sophomore year, and the students and teachers have all been impressively welcoming to me. I would add that most of the teachers have been great, but I would like to take time to thank a few teachers that mean a lot to me.

Mr. Cantrell – I appreciate your acceptance to me in the Digest and just your constant belief in my writing ability. You always made me feel that I was capable of writing anything that I wanted. I hope you still continue to have some faith in my abilities, even after I am far away from here.

Ms. White – You were the most welcoming teacher in this school when I first arrived. You helped me feel more welcomed into the building, and I just loved being in your class. I even joined the book club so we could discuss more topics, such as why The Big Lebowski will always be a true cinema classic. I hope you continue to embrace and inspire your students like you did me.

Mr. Potter – You know, I am not fully convinced that we are not the same person at times. We like the same games, music, and movies. We both have the same knowledge on these topics, and you have always shared your love for even the most nerdy things to me openly. I also loved the way that you teach. You never give us the answers; you always show us that we are capable of doing even the most complicated problems by ourselves. I will truly miss talking to you when I leave, and I hope that you continue to pursue all of the same things that you currently do.

And to you students, I hope that I left some mark on the school or something like that. I hope that you continue to say hello, even when I have to say goodbye.