Another Year Down

CENTRAL DIGEST 2017-2018 — This year’s staff has been one to remember.
May 22, 2018
When I first joined the Central Digest a freshman in the fall of 2016, I would never had imagined the amount of opportunities I would soon receive. I especially would have never fathomed I would be running the program one day, as Editor-in-Chief during both my junior and senior years.
This school year has gone by extremely fast. It seems just like yesterday our staff was having our ice-cream social, getting to know everybody. Soon, we would be a family of 18 students, with Mr. Cantrell at the top. Each staff member has added their own flare to the Central Digest, making 7th period what I looked forward to everyday.
To my seniors, Madi, Haylee, Hannah, Kimberly, and John — I have told all of you this over and over, but I am going to miss all of you very much! The Central Digest has benefited greatly from your dedication. It will not be the same without you guys.
To my fellow Digest veterans, Jake and Matthew — We are almost there. Three years down, and only one left. I cannot believe it, but let us make our senior year the best year.
To my future editors, DayOnna and Cassandra — Take notes, because I wish I had. Running the Central Digest is a very stressful task, but I am positive you two will do an amazing job. It will go by faster than you can imagine.
To Mr. Cantrell — The amount of trust you instill in us editors of the Central Digest is colossally appreciated. I am extremely thankful for the opportunities you give us everyday to run such an amazing program.
This year the Central Digest has achieved great things — most notably we were once again recognized as an SNO Website of Distinction, among just a handful of other schools. Plus, again the Central Digest was the only publication in Tennessee to get close to such honor. I am very proud of our staff.
Additionally, we had a lot of great times on the Central Digest. From our Secret Santa party in December, meeting Carl Azuz in February, to our inDigestion Awards in May, I will never forget this staff and school year. Thank you to everyone who made it great.