New Year, New MEntality

NEW YEAR, NEW MENTALITY — Junior, Elena Salgado, tries to determine if she wants to stick with her New Year’s Resolution, to be healthy, or not.
January 14, 2019
Along with the opportunities of beginning a new year, crossing the threshold of the past year into the new one brings about “change” for many. One thing that stays consistent, however, is hearing the phrase “new year, new me” ad nauseam.
Many people want to improve themselves at the emergence of a new year. Everyone loves the chance of a fresh start, but changing ones’ self into a better version of what they were before is not always as easy as claimed. New Year’s Resolutions are traditions numerous people participate in, but does anyone ever follow through with them?
“No one follows through with their resolutions, because they don’t have surrounding people to help them. I would need other people to help me out with the resolutions,” confessed Junior David Rudek.
“Resolutions are final and bound to fail, so I set myself goals instead,” Forensics and Biology teacher April Slatton stated.
“I think resolutions are kind of stupid, because it’s a one time thing people do during New Years and maybe the first month, then you go back to how things used to be,” reflected Senior Valeria Mazariegos.
There is always hope for those who create resolutions and follow through. They can be created into daily habits or just slowly incorporated into the lives of those who want a change in lifestyle.
“If people follow through with their resolutions, it depends on how serious they are, but it doesn’t have to be at a new year. If you come up with an idea, and actually do it, that is good,” Algebra and Pre-Calculus teacher, Peggy Moyer observed.
“Only a few people actually stay with their resolution. We forget about it and tell ourselves we will start the next day, but we don’t. Humans are creatures of habit and we do the same thing everyday. After all, we are just a bunch of lazy high school students,” Junior Grant Scutt critiqued.
Even though plenty of individuals do not follow through with their resolutions, they are still positive influences in peoples’ lives that help them improve their lifestyle. The improvement may be temporary, but it gives people something positive to work on.
“I think resolutions are a good thing to participate in because it helps with self-improvement,” explained Junior Danae Wnuk.
“I love the idea of resolutions, because I need and want to improve myself,” Junior Javier Villanueva expressed.
Along with the many people who set goals for themselves, the staff and students at Central High School have also planned methods to improve. Each person may not have a resolution, but they do have at least one thing they would like to work on throughout the year, whether it be mental or physical.
“Mine is to learn Spanish,” Wnuk added.
“I want to get straight A’s,” Sophomore Ariya McGhee informed.
One resolution many people agree with is to save up money to buy things on their own.
“My resolution is saving up money to buy a car,” Rudek declared.
“I want to make money this year,” Senior Lacy McKinney expressed.
Another goal you hear every year is the mission of losing weight or living a healthier lifestyle. This resolution never fails to be mentioned and Central students and staff could not miss out.
“I want to eat more healthy, not to lose weight. I don’t really care about my weight. I just want to be healthy,” Junior Elena Salgado commented.
“I write down everything I eat, so I can drop a couple of pounds. I also make sure I eat a salad every day,” Moyer verbalized.
“It would be nice to lose twenty pounds,” Slatton noted.
The whole point of a resolution is to make a positive change on one’s life. That is why students, as well as teachers, have decided to improve on themselves by changing their mentality to have a more positive outlook on life.
“I’m going to set new goals for myself and achieve them,” Sophomore Dimas Azoca announced.
“My New Year’s Resolution is to stop second-guessing myself, like if I really wanted to do something, I want to go for it,” Sophomore Taylor Hearrell emphasized.
“I plan to bond with my dad,” Senior Eric Carson added.
“I am going to break out of my shell and become a more confident version of myself,” Junior Alissa Pence proclaimed.
“My resolution is to be positive and always remember to smile,” Senior Matthew Fraizer commented.
“My resolution is to make history,” U.S. History teacher, Shaun Seals, appropriately vocalized.
As long as the time continues, people will always set goals for themselves. Even if no one follows through completely, they could always improve little by little, even if it means putting it off until next year.
Elena Salgado • Feb 6, 2019 at 10:22 AM
I love this article! It has a very joyous tone and I love it.