Goodbye to Central, Goodbye to the Digest

GOODBYE TO CENTRAL, GOODBYE TO THE DIGEST -- Celisia Snakenberg and Columnist Laurelie have grown closer as friends, as well as writers, thanks to the Central Digest.

donated to the Central Digest

GOODBYE TO CENTRAL, GOODBYE TO THE DIGEST — Celisia Snakenberg and Columnist Laurelie have grown closer as friends, as well as writers, thanks to the Central Digest.

Celisia Snakenberg, Sports Writer

This was my second and final year of taking journalism. When I was an incoming freshman, my sister, Jadyn Snakenberg, was a Central Digest staff member. As I was signing up for electives, she recommended taking this class. When I joined the staff, I did not really know what I was getting myself into. I wanted an easy filler class that would not jeopardize a 4.0 GPA. Journalism was not what I expected it to be. It was challenging and rigorous, and most of the work was done outside the classroom. I was a sports writer, so I attended sporting events, took pictures during games, and wrote about various games and matches. I wanted to interest the readers of the Digest and give a riveting explanation of each game I covered. I remember staying up until one o’clock most nights to write the perfect story. Of course, the first few stories of mine were not what I wanted them to be, but, by the end of the year, I had truly grown in my writing ability and skills.

After freshman year, I decided not to take journalism. I wanted to explore other interests of mine and take classes I needed to graduate. At the end of junior year, I was told by the guidance counselors that I did not need any more credits to graduate. All I was required to take was one math class, one English class, and government class, so I had multiple free periods to fill up. One of my good friends decided to take journalism and asked me if I would take it with her. I was hesitant initially because I wanted to have an easy senior year, however, Laurelie Holmberg convinced me nonetheless, and for that I can not thank her enough. She has encouraged me to write the most over the course of this school year. Through dual enrollment, English comp one and two, and journalism, she edited my papers and gave helpful feedback each time. Laurelie truly impressed me with her creativity in her writing. Her columns were hilarious, thought-provoking, and overall embodied her personality. Laurelie, thank you for making me take this class with you. It was an experience I will never forget, nor regret.

Being on the Central Digest has truly impacted my senior year. I grew close to many of the other staff members that I did not know as well before. The fun memories we had in and out of the classroom are ones I will cherish forever. Thank you all for the good times, and thank you Mr. Cantrell for your constant encouragement and guidance.