What a Wonderful School, Central High

THE CENTRAL DIGEST NAMED A SNO NATIONAL WEBSITE OF DISTINCTION FOR THE THIRD YEAR IN A ROW — The 2018-2019 Central Digest staff is pictured above with the plaque commemorating their title of “SNO National Website of Distinction.”
May 8, 2019
Thinking back to eighth grade, I remember my best friend telling me about this amazing group that she was a part of. She would tell me how she got to explore her passion for writing all day, along with doing endless amounts of fun events. This organization was the Central Digest, and this friend was Savannah Smith, editor-in-chief for the 2016-2017 school year.
I will never forget the first day of freshman year, the beginning of my high school journey. That day was one of the craziest days of my life, but as soon as I walked into the journalism classroom everything seemed to be alright. All was calm and I immediately felt a sense of belonging. Everyone had a warm, excited face that lit up the room and made all of us freshmen feel welcome.
My first few weeks as a staff member were rough, to say the least, but I really stepped up once the year got into full swing. Freshman and sophomore year I flew through stories and constantly performed my highest. Toward the end of sophomore year, the new leadership began to be discussed. My hard work convinced our advisor to make me assistant editor for the Central Digest, one of the most rewarding moments of my life. Earning this title gave me the confidence I needed both on the Central Digest staff, and in life as a whole.
Throughout the years, being on the Central Digest staff has brought many amazing opportunities my way. I have been able to form relationships with the wonderful staff, I have made new friends through talking to students, and I have formed relationships with many amazing alumni of Central. The Central Digest has given me an inside look to everything at Central High School, allowing me to stay very involved with my school.
Despite the work that I have put in, I would not be where I am without the amazing staff that has served along side me throughout the past four years. As the year comes to a close and this chapter in life ends, I look back as humbly as possible and give credit to the people who have been by my side along the way.
DayOnna Carson, upcoming editor-in-chief of the Central Digest, I have loved watching you grow into the amazing, kind, hilarious, determined person that you are today. The first year you were on the Digest, I do not think I heard you say a word. Now, you are an unstoppable force and I cannot wait to see you soar. I have complete faith that you will not only upkeep the Digest, but take it above and beyond where it is now.
Cassandra “Sandi” Castillo, upcoming copy editor, thank you for the endless amounts of friendship you have provided me, specifically in the past few months. If it was not for you, I most likely would not have a job, would not have gone to prom, would not have so many funny videos on my phone, and so much more. I could never thank you enough.
Preston “Gilbert” Fore, we have known each other for seven years now! It is insane that we have only become friends over the past few months. I am so jealous of your drive and determination, how you find things you want and never stop until they are yours. Have fun at UNC, do not forget to come back to Chattanooga and see us.
Jake “Missy Mae” Johns, even though we have had our ups and downs, I would not trade our friendship over the past few years for anything. Whether you knew it or not, you have pushed me to do my best and I cannot thank you enough. I am excited to see you on TV every Saturday, just watch where you are swinging that flag.
Abby “Kathee” Young, it is crazy how you have become my best friend in a few short months. I hope that you continue on the Central Digest staff and reach new heights, because I know you can do amazing things. I will never forget all the amazing days that we have spent together, the moments of laughing until we scream, spraying water in the car, playing with a rubber chicken, and all the hundreds of other memories with you. Cannot wait to see what senior year holds for you.
Laurelie “Lori” Holmberg, you sweet, innocent, beautiful soul. You will do amazing things in the teaching field and will touch so many students in life changing ways. My goal in life is to do half as much good as you do on a daily basis. You never fail to put a smile on every person’s face that you encounter, and you never stop serving those around you. It all started with a crush freshman year, and now I realize it was for a good reason.
To the rest of the amazing staff, thank you for allowing me to be a part of this wonderful organization. I hope that you all continue to work your hardest and put out amazing content, because you are all more than capable. You have become so much more than people in my class, you have become my family. I will never forget a single one of you for as long as I live.
To our advisor, Greg Cantrell. Thank you for taking me under your wing freshman year and giving me your mentorship. If it was not for you, I most likely would not have stayed on the Digest staff for all four years and I definitely would not be nearly as good of a writer. We have formed such a special relationship, I would consider you just as much a friend as a teacher.
To the devoted readers of the Central Digest, thank you for all of your support. Without an audience, what we do as a staff would be pointless. Your engagement in the Central Digest is what has earned us our amazing titles, and we will forever be indebted to you.
With the end of every chapter in life begins a new one. Although I am sad to leave this organization behind, I cannot wait to see how much farther they go beyond my time. I love the Central Digest with all my heart, and I will be on the sidelines cheering them on every step of the way.