Is Central High’s Parking Lot a Challenge or a Learning Experience?

CENTRAL HIGH’S PARKING LOT: A CHALLENGE OR LEARNING EXPERIENCE? — Students, administrators, and parents alike know how hectic and stressful it can be to enter and exit the school’s parking lot.
March 3, 2020
Many would say that driving is a skill that takes time to get good at. However, at schools, first and second year drivers that might not have much experience must navigate the parking lot while avoiding their fellow students, as well as rushing parents.
Junior Marshall Sims, who is experiencing his first year driving at Central, said, “Overall, I think that about 40% of students need to work on their driving, but, for the most part, the students are cautious— although the students try to be cautious, parents must be in a rush because [around] 60% of them need to work on their driving.”
There is always room for improvement, whether one is an experienced adult or a student. One can always improve their skills on the road.
One would think that the biggest risk would be the drivers not paying attention and rear ending another, but the most risky occurrence is students running right in front of a car without a second thought.
“One thing I really had to look out for, especially in the mornings, is people blindly walking in front of cars expecting the cars to not be moving. [In reality,] we [drivers] have to hit the breaks and try not to hit them,” stated Junior Austin Lawyer, who has been driving for two years now.

Driving can be a great risk to everyone involved, whether they are in a car or walking as a pedestrian. It is a skill that needs to be learned, and not ignored, otherwise lives are endangered. Some people forget their manners on the road and are not courteous to other fellow drivers. Most notably, people lack using a turn signal when entering the school.
“I absolutely hate it when someone does not use their turn signal, specifically when they get into the turning lane suddenly, without warning. [That] is so dangerous,” stated Sims.
There are many dangers associated with the school parking lot full of inexperienced students, careless adults, and students that run in front of cars, in a rush. Despite that, there are some good aspects of Central High School’s parking lot, which is the drivers’ consideration and compassion.
“At the end of the day, when it is time to leave, it is always easy to get onto the main road because someone always lets me in, which is always nice,” remarked Sims.