Students Discuss Whether They Prefer Online Learning Over a Traditional Classroom Setting
STUDENTS DISCUSS WHETHER THEY PREFER ONLINE LEARNING OVER A TRADITIONAL CLASSROOM SETTING — As Central conducts classes through sites such as Canvas and Google Classroom, some students have taken a liking to distance learning, while others hope to get back in the classroom as soon as possible.
March 27, 2020
With Hamilton County schools being shut down through April 24, both teachers and students have had, and will continue to have, a lot of time to make the transition to online learning. While online learning has been difficult for some individuals to get the hang of, others caught on pretty easily, as we currently live in digital age where most adolescents are proficient using online programs.
This leaves some students to wonder if making the switch to online learning has positively impacted students ability to learn and attain information.
“I personally like online school better because I can take my own time. First If I don’t understand something, I can pause whenever I feel I need a break. I can re-watch a video if I didn’t get it, [and] I can listen to my own music while doing assignments. I have more freedom online,” revealed Senior Elena Salgado.
With teachers being told to hold at least one online class each week, the virtual classes at Central are also scheduled in a manner that mimics the regular school schedule.
First period typically begins at 7:30 a.m. However, the virtual class schedule begins at 9:00 a.m., which is a much later time. Additionally, the virtual meetings are set to end at 2:30 p.m., which is ten minutes later than regular school dismissal.

VIRTUAL CLASS SCHEDULE — These are the time windows that teachers are to host virtual Zoom meetings for their various class periods.
Since not everyone is a morning person, the later call time for first period has been seen as a positive in many students’ eyes. Students can sleep in longer, and wake up more alert after getting a better night’s sleep. Plus, students and teachers do not need to wear a uniform while working from home. They can watch the virtual classes in their pajamas if they want to, as it is not required for them to show their face on these platforms.
Although teachers are able to communicate with students in real time using live stream programs such as Zoom, some students work best in a tangible space with someone instructing them. Some students are visual learners who like to see teachers draw diagrams on the white boards, as that is the best way for them to learn.
“I like school in-person better because it’s easier not only to talk to your teachers, but to do a lot of things. Plus, I’m really a hands-on and [prefer] learning by experience, so doing things in the classroom is better for helping me actually remember stuff,” stated Senior Grant Scutt.
No online platform can compare to the instruction found in the school building. At school,one can get one-on-one assistance immediately, whereas students must wait a few minutes, or even hours, to hear back from their teachers when contacting them via email.
Seniors, especially, want to get back in the classroom as soon as possible, as this is their last year of grade school, and they are missing out on some of the final memories they will get to have with their peers before parting ways for college.
Regardless of one’s stance on the matter, online learning has definitely revolutionized the ways in which students learn. This could change the way that school is conducted under certain circumstances, such as emergencies, student injuries, or inclement weather, forever.
julianna rolle • Apr 3, 2020 at 12:25 AM
I think online classes are better because they teach use to learn the material on our own.
Ashley Coleman • Apr 2, 2020 at 2:06 AM
Online school has its pros and cons, to me, there are more cons because if your a visual learner and like to see things in person like me things can get complicated real fast.
Alex Langevin • Apr 2, 2020 at 12:47 AM
Good article! Personally I do enjoy doing work on my time, but I like to learn in school because I’m able to understand how to do the work without a short video, or a brief explanation. Teachers just explain better in those 50 minutes.
Melody King • Mar 31, 2020 at 4:08 PM
I’m only doing this for my english class and this kind of proves my point. I don’t like the environment of the school but it motivates me to do the work because im actually there.