Vaping Epidemic Rages On, CHS Intervention Program Proven to Prevent Second Time Offenders

There is currently a vaping epidemic in high schools around the United States.
April 19, 2022
Vaping, what the public viewed as a harmless alternative to smoking cigaretees has snowballed into a major problem and is affecting high schools nationwide. These electronic devices contain nicotine, a very addictive drug that is a prime reason people use are unable to leaving vaping in their past.
Vapes work in the same way cigarettes do, the user inhales and nicotine is delivered to the lungs. The main difference is rather than a natural flame, vapes are electronic and can also pump chemicals into the users lungs. Looking more in depth: vapes pump aerosol into the user’s lungs which can contain flavored nicotine, or marijuana, and of plenty of other chemicals. When you puff, the vape turns the liquid into a vapor forcing the user to inhale these chemicals.
There are many flavors that target the younger demographic such as cotton candy, fruit flavors, desserts, and pure menthol. When they advertised, these flavors it catch high schooler’s eyes as if it were candy.
“All is create a habit, an addiction, that when it’s not fulfilled it screws up the ability to prioritize other things. The best thing is to just not give in to the pier pressure,” says senior Nicholas Garnand.
Although some people describe this device to be helpful and soothing, it pumps metal alloys into the lungs which can result in inflammation and permanent scarring. Not to mention, vaping at a young age can lead to cancer, pneumonia, and many other dangerous diseases.
According to the CDC, in 2020, approximately one in every five high school students currently use vapes, and one in every 20 middle school students are currently using, or in possession of a vape.
According to Mr. Phil Iannarone, principal, Central has a very specific solution to the widespread issue of vaping in school. If a student gets caught once, the student will be enrolled into the VIP program (Vaping Intervention Program) for three days in the ISS room. On day one, the student will research vaping and its effects on the user. On day two, the counselor will be talking to them about vaping and its effects. Finally, on day three, the student is instructed to write a paper about vaping and its effects.
“Our main goal for this program is to attempt to educate students on vaping and how dangerous it is. We were the first school to introduce the program,” stated Iannarone.
If a student keeps getting caught using a vape pen, the administration will take more disciplinary action. Essentially, the punishment will increase each time they are caught using the device.
“Typically, we never see any second-time offenses, most all students that go through the program change their ways afterward,” Iannarone added.
The VIP program is an efficient, well-designed program that will help students stop vaping. It has shown its efficacy and benefits, and is a viable solution to the widespread problem.