Central Grad Timoshchuk Seeing Action for UTC Mocs

TIMOSHCHUK PREPARES FOR THE PLAY — (Left to right) Dale Warren, Nikolay Timoshchuk, and Alphonso Stewart are getting into their stances at the Jacksonville State University earlier this season.
October 14, 2015
Central graduate Nikolay Timoshchuk has continued in his football career to the University of Tennessee at Chattanooga. During his years at Central, Timoshchuk played as fullback, linebacker, and kicker. He was very talented starting from his freshman year, and he had several colleges watching him by 12th grade.
“Going into my senior year, I had Furman, Eastern Kentucky, and a bunch of Division II and III schools that were interested before I tore my ACL,” stated Timoshchuk.
The Class of 2012 graduate leaned on the support of his friends and family through the recovery of his tragic injury.
“With the help from the people closest to me, it didn’t even affect me in a negative matter, once I realized God has a plan for everything,” declared Timoshchuk.
After he healed, Timoshchuk went on to play special teams at the University of Tennessee and now at UTC. His former coach at Central has really enjoyed watching his growth.
“It’s very exciting to see former players find success. As coaches, we find ourselves living vicariously through our athletes because our athletic career is over, and to see a former player find success is like watching your own kid find success,” shared Coach Gary Bloodsaw.
Timoshchuk has given speeches to the younger players at Central about how important it is to give their best effort.
“The advice I’d give younger athletes is to give everything you’ve got while you still have the chance. God presents us with opportunity, and we have the choice to either take it and run with it or not to. Don’t hold back today and regret not giving it everything you’ve got years from now,” he said wisely.
Timoshchuk is looking forward to the upcoming UTC season, which he believes will be very triumphant.
“I feel like the season will be very successful. We’ve worked hard as a team all off-season, and now we are ready to implement that on the field,” said Timoshchuk.