Picture Day: Total Success or Total Failure?

SMILE FOR THE PICTURE — Students get all nice and pretty for their perfect shot in the yearbook.
September 15, 2016
Every year, students are collected out of their English classes and placed in front a camera, grey background behind them, and a forced smile plastered on their faces.
Picture day was September 13, 2016 and grades 9th through 11th took pictures for the yearbook. As for the seniors, they are scrambling to grab those last minute photo shoots with Prestige for their formal senior photos.
Picture Day is probably one of the most stressful days at Central. With the perfect hair, brushed teeth, nice and clean polo, students have only one shot to dress to impress in their photo.
“I feel unique because we will be in nice clothes for a change in the yearbook”, commented senior Bailey Davis, “It distinguishes us from the underclassmen.”
On picture day, you see a variety of things, from students who try to dress up fancy behind their purple polo to student who forget to brush your teeth.
I talked to freshman, Tia Bowers, on her way she has decided to dress for the occasion.
“There is some preparation”, says Bowers, ” I definitely try, but my favorite part is that we get to miss class!”
But seriously, is picture day a waste of time? Is it worth taking kids out of class? This is topic that is extremely controversial among teachers and students alike. There are those students who buy the pictures and there are those who do not even show up to take them.
People are entitled to their own opinions, but I do not think there are any good reasons to feel one way or the other about picture day. It is just one of those “things” we have to do every year. Even though it tends to be a bother, picture day is just a day where you get to be noticed for attending Central High School, and that’s far from disappointing.
If you love it, hate it, or just do not care, just remember, picture day is here.
Shawn Seals • Sep 15, 2016 at 12:37 PM
Picture day was a success! The fall pictures are used to generate pictures for the yearbook and for PowerSchool. A huge thank you for everyone who helped to make it a success, especially the yearbook staff and all of the English teachers who gave up much of their class time for students to be photographed.