But Seriously: Will You Be My Valentine?

BUT SERIOUSLY: WILL YOU BE MY VALENTINE? — Columnist Jared Eddy stands as Seniors Miranda Lillard and Skyler Turner share a moment on Valentine’s Day!
February 14, 2017
Happy Valentine’s Day!
Before we dive into what Valentine’s Day is, let us take a look at the history. In 496 A.D., Pope Gelasius designated Feb. 14 as “Saint Valentine’s Day.” It was a day dedicated for Saint Valentine, who was killed on February 14th 269 A.D. In the late 1300s, a famous author, Geoffery Chaucer, wrote a poem called the “Parliament of Fowls”. In this story, the birds imagined who their mates could be on Saint Valentine’s Day, and this is where the whole “lovey-dovey” trend for the holiday started.
Valentine’s Day has now become a day to spread love and kind thoughts. Many are surprised with chocolates, flowers, and balloons from family, significant others, and friends. But what about the singles or those who do not even really care about the holiday? I decided to investigate.
Senior Tori Bruno-Arimura had some comments about the day. “Nothing really changes for me other than the fact there are a lot more balloons in the hallways”.
At school today, there was a decent amount of balloons, flowers, and candy, along with the occasional life-size teddy bear and posters. These items however, bother some people.
“I kinda wish students would not bring those to school”, stated Hannah Holmberg.” It just is kinda of annoying.”
But seriously, what do you do if you do not have a Valentine? I usually just buy some ice cream and watch movies; nothing really changes or bothers me. I just let the day happen and enjoy the random pieces of candy I get. What are you up to on Valentine’s Day? Comment and share with us your plans for the day!