New Book by Central Alumnus Jerry Summers Shines Light on Former Coach Stan Farmer

“WE CALLED HIM COACH” — Pictured above is Jerry Summers’ new book on the life of Stan Farmer
September 15, 2017
Stan Farmer was not only an amazing educator and coach at Central, but a World War II veteran as well. He was an excellent influence at Central High School during his time. He helped many students off and on campus. Jerry Summers captures all of this in his new book reflecting on the life of Stan Farmer.
Stan Farmer impacted the lives of thousands of students while he was at Central.
“The many comments from former students and players show the high esteem and love with which he was held by all who had the privilege of knowing him. He could discipline you with his ‘Board of Education ‘, hug you, tell you he loved you and the paddling was because he cared about you,” stated Summers.
Farmer was loved by almost every student he came into contact with. As a survivor of Saipan and Iwo Jima, he gained great respect from his students. Stan and his wife, Katharine, were responsible for helping many students. Whether it was financially, emotionally, or in some other way, [Stan and Katherine] were always there. Stan retired from coaching in 1969 and became assistant principal under Dr. Hobart Millsaps.
Central principal, Mr. Finley King, is selling copies of Farmer’s book at Central High School. The cost of the book is $21.95. The check should be made out to the “Community Foundation of Greater Chattanooga” (CFGC) and designated “Stanley J. Farmer.” If the book is to be shipped, an additional check for $4.50 should be made out to Jerry H. Summers to cover postage.
Copies of the novel are also being sold at Jerry Summer’s law office in the James Building, 735 Broad Street Suite 800 in Downtown Chattanooga. You can also call the office at (423) 265-2385. Copies will also be sold at the Central Sports Hall of Fame dinner, scheduled for September 15 at 5:30 p.m. Any additional copies will be for sale at the Alumni Golf Tournament, scheduled for September 30 at the Bear Trace Golf Course.
Each book sale goes to help the Central High Alumni Scholarships. The Farmer Scholarship Fund is one of the 12 scholarships awarded to seniors to assist them with their first year of college. The recipients are selected by the Alumni Association. The scholarships vary in amount based on the funds that the Community Foundation of Greater Chattanooga has. There are also other scholarships that need additional tax deductible donations: The Robert Kirk Walker, John Holden, Luther Massingill and Spirit of Central. All of these could use more funding to allow larger scholarships to award.