Hey, Hay Hay!: Bye, Bye, Bye…

GOODBYE CENTRAL — Goodbye to my wonderful Journalism staff! I will miss you all dearly!
May 10, 2018
“Parting is such sweet sorrow, that I shall say goodnight till it be morrow,” William Shakespeare wrote. This quote means a great deal to me, as this is my last column for the Central Digest. Words cannot express how crazy my time here at Central has truly been, and it is going to be so hard to leave. However, before I go, there are just a few things I would like to say.
I remember my first week as a Central Pounder; I was nervous and I did not want to wear a purple polo. Little did I know, there would soon come a day when I would be getting ready to graduate, and I would want to put my purple polo back on. These past few years have been full of different challenges and tasks, and I have grown more as a person than I ever thought possible. I am so thankful for how Central has helped me develop and become who I am today. Still, the core of my growth is not just because of this building we call Central, it is the faculty who have helped me along the way.
I could spend forever listing all of my wonderful teachers and everything I love about them, but for sake of time I will just talk about a few.
Ms. Sally White, our English 10 and Theatre Arts teacher, is a major part of my time here at Central. Without Ms. White I have no idea where I would be. She has been the best mentor, teacher, and second mother that I could ever ask for. Ms. White has always been there to encourage me and challenge me, and I cannot tell her how thankful I am for that. Most importantly, if it were not for Ms. White, I would not have been so inspired to try theatre, and I certainly would not love it as much. Now as I am going off to college, I am minoring in theatre and I owe it all to her, the best theatre director in the world.
Mr. Gregory Cantrell, our English 11 and Journalism teacher, has played a key role in my time as well. Mr. Cantrell has been such a big part of my junior and senior years. If it were not for him I would probably still be writing third-grade level looking essays. He has challenged me to pursue many goals, and he even gave me this position as a columnist. I am very thankful for how persistent he has been in keeping me in check. So, Cantrell, thank you for helping me these past two years and for answering all of my “quick questions.”
Next, a thank you to Mr. Jim Snyder and Mr. Edward Potter, for always encouraging me in my math courses. I am not all that great at math, and I never truly loved it all that much. However, because of these two amazing teachers, math is not really all that bad anymore.
Mrs. Brielle Farrow and Ms. Tina Cotreau, you two are awesome! Not only did the both of you teach my favorite subject, science, but you helped me more than you will ever realize. From Ms. Cotreau’s jokes to Mrs. Farrow keeping me sane while learning about stoichiometry in A.P. Chemistry, thank you.
Mr. Seals, thank you for teaching me how to make history. I will always miss going to your classroom and seeing the “warm fire” on the screen and listening to your jokes. If I ever need advice in the future about any historical fact, I know where to go.
To the dynamic duo, Mrs. Justine Staton and Mrs. Mariea Dobbs, you both started my high school journey in Honors World History and in Honors English 9. Thank you for pulling me together and keeping me on the right track throughout my years, I will miss you both.
Finally, Mr. King, thank you for being the best principal I could have ever imagined. You are a fantastic mentor, and I can tell you care about your students, thank you!
Also, Ms. Melinda Martin, our school librarian, thank you for taking care of me and always being there for me when I needed you the most.
There are countless other teachers who have helped me along the way and I love them all, so thank you. This is goodbye Central, thank you for being so great to me!
Sincerely, The Breakfast Club; just kidding.