Looking Back: The Christmas Spirit of Central High
December 12, 2018
EDITOR’S NOTE: The following article contains summaries of articles from past issues of The Central Digest. On occasion, the Digest will look back into our archives to see what was happening around Central High in the past.
Christmas Baskets
December 1934
The tradition of creating Christmas baskets was long celebrated at Central. The Christmas baskets allowed students to give aid to anyone in need during the Christmas season. The baskets gave way to a great opportunity to help those burdened by poverty and hardships, while the rest of the world was celebrating and feasting. A competition arose between the homerooms to see who could conjure up the best basket. Competing not only brings fun into giving, but encourages students to go the extra mile to help those in need.
Enjoy the Spirit of Giving
December 1941
On this Christmas season, Central students were only given a one week break to celebrate the holiday, but they were sure to make the most of it. However, they should not forget what this season is actually about: giving. Think of the ones less fortunate than you, ones who cannot afford the basic necessities of living. The many organizations that we give to during the season have a great purpose. They ensure that everyone, regardless of economic struggles, can enjoy the Christmas season.
Christmas, Christmas Everywhere
December 1957
Christmas is celebrated worldwide, but not in the same way as here in the United States. In France, families set up a nativity scene in the living room. On Christmas Day, they gather together to eat, burn incense, and sing. In Ireland, candles are set up in every window and doors are left open throughout the house. This is to showcase the hospitality of the season. Worldwide differences in Christmas customs emphasize the true spirit of the season.
Christmas Food Baskets To Be Filled by Homeroom
December 1961
The Christmas baskets were quickly filled by Central students this year. Basket collection started on December 4 and continued until December 19. The student council delivered the baskets on December 19 to poor and needy families in the Chattanooga area, with an emphasis on Central students. Any remaining baskets were donated to the Salvation Army. Each basket was uniquely decorated by each homeroom. Central was able to show the holiday spirit in a special and unique way.
Underprivileged Children Receive Christmas Toys
December 1975
Many children have gone through the season with no presents, no joy, and no Christmas. They could not afford the festivities of the season. Luckily, the Forgotten Child Fund made sure that these children could finally have a Christmas of their own. The organization was started in 1963 by policemen who wanted all children to have something new to enjoy on Christmas Day. They believed Christmas was for all children, not just those fortunate enough to celebrate it.
For those interested, the archived Central Digest publications can be found on the Preservation of Chattanooga Central History website: https://chattanoogacentralhistory.com/digest/