The Gray Area: Outta Here!


Karleigh Schwarzl

(file photo) — Grayson Cattlet spent his Senior year as the Central Digest’s columnist.

Grayson Catlett, Columnist

The month of May is here. Seniors are wrapping up their classes and gearing up for the final pages of our high school experience: the cap and gown, the ceremony, and the celebrations that follow. Sure, we might be facing some different circumstances, but strides in our battles against the Coronavirus pandemic have allowed us to begin recovery. It’s a hopeful time.

I, for one, am incredibly hopeful because I’ve found myself very exhausted in the home stretch. Work and school fully collided in the spring, constantly giving me one assignment or another to worry about amid my growing schedule. With the end-of-year festivities included, it became overwhelming. It felt like the climax of these years were intense, exciting, nerve-wracking and beautiful (the sunsets have been stellar lately).

All of those emotions just to struggle about what to say in this column. I don’t have nearly as many memories to hold as other Digest seniors, as they have spent more years writing for the site. However, I know that this year, along with my column, has been a fantastic ride, and I’m glad that I could write all about the subtleties of our lives during this historic year.

I know that this year, along with my column, has been a fantastic ride and I’m glad that I could write all about the subtleties of our lives during this historic year.

— Grayson Catlett, the Digest's Senior Columnist

I would first like to thank my brother, Blake, for steering me towards this position. The Digest never crossed my mind from 2017 to early 2020, but I’m glad that he could help it “click” this year. I also want to commend him for his dedication to the Digest, bringing us to the Tennessee High School Press Association’s Best Overall Website award in March. I’ve seen him stick to the site for four years, hoping to be editor-in-chief since his year in the purple Polos. I’m excited to see him bring that dedication elsewhere as we head to the north — me to the University of Pennsylvania and him to the University of Wisconsin.

I also want to thank all of my teachers throughout the years, most notably Mr. Cantrell. Ever since I lurked into the back of his class at the beginning of my junior year, he has been a great person for advice regarding my writing, especially during the intense college application process. Without Cantrell’s sharp acumen, Mrs. White’s welcoming character, or Mr. Parsons’s brutal honesty, my writing would be nowhere near where it is today.

Finally, I want to thank those who are reading. Every reader is appreciated, no matter the opinion of my work. I wanted to prompt discussions about the complexities of our time (largely dealing with the complexity), and I’m glad to have had the opportunity. Whether I’m writing every other Thursday or not, I hope that these columns inspire you to see more than black and white when it comes to the world.

Oh, speaking of that! I forgot to mention it in my other columns, but I think that the Justin Timberlake quote that I included in my first column is fake. Just wanted to clear that up. So much for nuance.