Crystal Fowler Joins Central Staff as the Bookkeeper

CRYSTAL FOWLER JOINS CENTRAL STAFF AS BOOKKEEPER — Crystal Fowler is executing her duties as the new bookkeeper at Chattanooga Central High School.
September 3, 2021
Central has hired a new Bookkeeper to fill the role that Donna Rast previously filled. She plays an important role in the school’s accounting and money management. Fowler’s job involves processing records, documents, payroll, and financial statements.
“I’ve always liked numbers, I’m a math person, I like the way [math] is black and white…I wanted a job that seemed like a great path for me,” stated Crystal.
Fowler is a Central alumni. She graduated from Central in 1996, and due to her admiration of Central, she decided to come back as an office worker. As of August 27, 2021, she has been the bookkeeper for three days, and she seems to be enjoying her time at Central
“If the football team gets money at the gate, I’ll have to count that and account for that. If a teacher needs supplies for her classroom, that has to flow through me so that I know everything is accounted for. Every dollar that comes through the school has to be accounted for,” Crystal elaborates about what her job entails.
“She seems to be doing fabulous,” States Lee Anne Brock, the school secretary here at Central.
The office staff has an appreciation for the new bookkeeper, for she is eager to help in any way possible. Her office is located inside of the front office, at the end of the left hallway. Going forward, Fowler is ready to take on all of the responsibilities of school bookkeeper, and she is excited to see what the future holds for this job.