English 9 Teacher Nikki Broussard Joins the Central Staff

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ENGLISH 9 TEACHER NIKKI BROUSSARD JOINS CENTRAL STAFF — NIkki Broussard pictured in her free time.

Carmen Breitenbach, Columnist

Central is welcoming several new teachers with open arms this year. One of these being Nikki Broussard, an English 9 teacher looking to plant knowledge in her new students. 

Broussard is originally from Louisiana and previously taught at Acadiana High School located there in Lafayette, Louisiana. Broussard didn’t always know she wanted to be a teacher but grew a love for college and gradually drew towards education. 

“Everyday has a different meaning and value,” shared Broussard. 

Broussard is very passionate about making sure her students leave her classroom with a greater appreciation for learning and not just thinking of it as something to keep them busy. Although this isn’t her first time teaching, she is still fairly new to the field.

She started out in the middle of a pandemic, and she understands the challenges of teaching during these new circumstances.

“It can only get easier from here, [the pandemic] really allows me to grow,” expressed the English 9 teacher.

Broussard seems to be settling into Central quite nicely, and she appreciates her coworkers and all the support they give.

You can usually find Broussard in her classroom located in C-103, but if not, you can find her in C-110 accompanied by fellow English 9 teachers Casey Hale and Kevin Parsons. Hale believes Broussard will be a great fit at Central.

“She cares very much about her students, and she has a lot of fresh and creative ideas that she will bring to 9th grade English and creative writing,” declared Hale.

“I think she has a lot of enthusiasm and creative ideas that will benefit our students” shares Mr. Parsons when asked about his thoughts on Broussard. 

In the past, Broussard has taken part in rock climbing with her husband.  They hope to begin doing that again since they have moved to Chattanooga.   Broussard continues to enjoy activities outdoors such as hiking and backpacking and also has two lovable dogs. 

Broussard is a wonderful new addition to the Central High teaching staff and will hopefully stay for years to come.