Knox is Central’s New Social Worker
NEW SOCIAL WORKER — Central’s new social worker, Tonya Knox, takes a moment to herself before talking with students in her office.
August 23, 2022
As the new school year begins, so does the rush of new faces roaming the halls. Amidst the new faces enters new School Social Worker Tonya Knox.
Knox began her career 9 years ago at Moccassin Bend Mental Health Institute after she attended Southern Adventist University in Collegedale, Tenn. She has worked as a licensed school social worker for numerous Hamilton County Schools for the last five-and-a-half years.
Knox has a passion for the students and families that she helps to thrive in excellence throughout their educational processes and life experiences. She encourages the practice of mindfulness and self care, as it helps combat the heaviness that comes with the job and with mental health.
“I work as the homeless liaison for schools, in which I work to help with students remaining at their existing schools as well as with personal items, food, and transportation.” commented Knox.
Knox has worked at several schools within the school district including East lake elementary and Woodmore Elementary before arriving at Central High. After working for five years at her previous school, she’d decided to request a change in assignments and chose the Harrison Bay Learning Community which led to her moving to Central High as one of four schools.
“She’s wonderful, on top of things, and very helpful,” Mrs. Chelsea Thornhill added. “What a great contribution to the team!”