Central High’s Girls Soccer Team is Staying Strong Despite Injuries

HUDDLE TIME — Girls soccer team huddles before second half
September 20, 2017
The Central High girls soccer team has had a rough start to their season due to many injuries, but they are persevering through hard times. According to Head Coach Tim Browder, “They never quit, no matter what the score, no matter what injuries or how tired they are, they just work really, really hard.”
The team may not be getting the best overall score at the games, but one thing that was mentioned by Assistant Coach Jon King, was that the team is still sticking together.
“I think it’s [the season] is going pretty good. The record might not show, but we’re working together,” King stated. Whether the score is bad or not, the team is still working hard and helping each other out.
Alyssa Coffman, a junior and also the team’s goalie, shared a similar opinion with the coaches.
“We’ve had lots of injuries this season but that is what’s cool about us; even though we don’t have a lot of subs [substitutes], we still have a hunger for the game and we don’t give up,” Coffman expressed.
When people think of Central’s girls soccer team, they may have mixed opinions. There are major aspects that make the team stick out this year. One of the main attributes is the number of injuries that have occurred. Bri Ladd, sophomore, along others were taken out of the game due to a fractured bone. That left the team with exactly 11 girls; enough for a field of players and no substitutes. Both the coaches and Coffman agreed that injuries and no time for breaks are what is hurting the team the most.
“We had a low turnout for the team and have lost a couple of girls to season-ending injuries. Some games we have no subs at all, which is really exhausting for the players,” Browder stated.
The solution to this problem: get more girls to join the team and play.
“We should work hard and keep our eyes on the goal, don’t get discouraged; recruit more girls,” suggested King.
“One of the biggest ways [to improve] is just to get more girls to join the team. It’s hard to run for 80 minutes without a break. Having more players allows everyone to get a rest when they need it,” Coach Browder agreed.
Overall the team has had a difficult start to their season, but there is no doubt that they will keep working hard and not give up. More importantly, the girls are representing Central and showing other teams that they are a family. The team does need some encouragement however, so come to a game and show your support for your Lady Pounders!