Athlete Spotlight: Michael McGhee Recently Nominated For Tennessee Mr. Football

November 13, 2017
Sports are played in high school for many reasons. Maybe you want to feel like you are part of a team, or you just want to have fun. For Central High Junior Michael McGhee, it’s more serious than that.
Michael has been playing football since he was 6 years old, and he has dedicated a lot of his time to the sport. He has been nominated for the TSSAA’s (Tennessee Secondary School Athletic Association) Mr. Football for the 4A class. In short, this means all coaches and media personnel in the state of Tennessee voted on football players, and Michael McGhee is one of the best five players in the state. A second vote will be held soon to narrow the vote down to three players, and those three will go to Nashville for the TSSAA ceremony.
For any student athlete, a professional career in their sport is a dream. Michael’s dream just may come true. Other than football, he’s interested in going to college for training in physical therapy.
Post high school education is very beneficial and McGhee has some choices in mind for win the big day comes in 2019.
“I am interested in UTK (University of Tennessee at Knoxville), Appalachian State University, UTC (University of Tennessee at Chattanooga), The University of Memphis, and Sewanee but other than those, I am interested in any college that is fit for me and is willing to give me a chance,” replied McGhee.
Getting nominated for TSSAA’s Mr. Football is a very high honor for a high school athlete and to Michael, it means the world.
“It is unreal that I have been given the opportunity to run for Mr.Football,” stated McGhee.
There will be a ceremony in Nashville for the top 3 football players, as picked by the TSSAA. Coach Cortney Braswell has said it is a once in a lifetime opportunity.