Central’s Boys Basketball Team Strives For More Success Despite Mid-Season Struggles

FIGHT POUNDERS FIGHT — Junior player Darick Isom fights to “Secure the Bag”.
January 23, 2018
Central’s Boys Basketball team is mid-season of what seems to be a progressing year. Head Coach Rick Rogers stated that since last season, the team has been working diligently to become the best team they can possibly be before the district tournament in February.
“Even though we have the smallest, youngest, and least experience of any other team in our league. I love to watch our progression through the games and our competitive spirit from week to week,” explained Rogers.
The team is comprised of four seniors: Brett Abshire, Michael Ervin, Julius Jackson, and Jerrod Bibbs. The five juniors: Darick Isom, Davon Reid, Terrance Payne, Cavonte Mckibbens, and Trey Owten. And two sophomores: Marcus Tankersley and Isaiah Hayes.
According to Rogers, the team’s biggest claim to fame so far this season, was an upset win over Red Bank, 70-59.
“I am so proud of the way our players represent our school in a humble and respectful way during competition. We win with class and we lose with class,” expressed Rogers.
The Pounders are currently ranked 3-6 in the district, and they continue to strive for more in the upcoming games left in the 2017-2018 basketball season. The team has been practicing, and continues to practice for two hours on weekdays and occasionally on the weekends.
“We are trying to improve our aggressiveness, shooting, and overall hustle on a daily basis,” stated Rogers.
Junior basketball player, Darick Isom, shared the improvements needed not only for him, but also for his teammates so Central can advance to the district tournament.
“For me, some things I need to focus on is trying to make a bigger impact in the game, such as getting more rebounds and block plus charges. However, as a team we need to improve on finishing a game like we started, in the last half we start to get tired and play different,” admitted Isom.
Although it has been a bumpy road, the team still has the rest of the season to bring Central back up to the top. Isom reminded us what his favorite part about all of it is.
“My favorite part about it is that you can be any color or be from any area in the city and you can come together and play. It also helps that I have been with a lot of these guys since sixth grade so I know what they are best at and what they plan on bringing to the table. I know we are not the best team but next season I feel like we can be at the top and continue on to state,” concluded Isom.