Central’s 2018-19 Wrestling Team Anticipates Successful Season

CENTRAL’S 2018-19 WRESTLING TEAM ANTICIPATES SUCCESSFUL SEASON — Junior Donavyn Walker faces off the opposing team member after doing a cordial introductory handshake.
December 11, 2018
Hard work, effort, and practice are fundamental to being successful at any given sport, even if you’re constricted to tights. Central’s wrestling season is back, and so are the dedicated team members hoping improve from last year and mentor the newcomers.
The roster this year reveals how passionate students are about the sport, outlining those who are ecstatic to participate this season. Coach Ryan Mallory shared his anticipation for this year’s new members.
“We have a good, hard-working team. We have several first-year guys in our line-up who fight hard. I am pleased with where we are right now,” Mallory expressed.
This year’s participants are aware of their opponents, for each team member is categorized by weight. It seems like the entire team is comfortable with their respective weight classes.
“I feel like my weight class fits me because the more I grow, the bigger the opponent is, and the more of a challenge I could get. This can help me improve my skill and strategies to win future matches,” Sophomore Reggie Wadley divulged.
Original team members have decided to optimize their maturity and methods from the previous year. They shared their new strategies with plans to use their past experiences to their advantage.
“Practicing and being aggressive are the main components that will lead to victory, but you still must also have an overall technique to it all,” explained Jacob Wright, a junior.
“My strategy is to warm up, go in, and do what I know that I’m good at. [I do this] all while staying cool and calm, and remembering everything that I’ve practiced,” stated Junior Donavyn Walker.
Our seniors who have been a part of the team for a while expressed their admiration and trust in their team. They understand that the new wrestlers are working hard and support them as role models.
“My boys fought their heart out here tonight, and I’m looking forward to the rest of the year,” Senior Haiden Dill, remarked.
This year is bound to be full of players exhibiting Pounder pride and showcasing their growth. Central hopes to see a successful season from our 2018-19 wrestling team.