Tennis Team Continues to Practice in Hopes of Defeating Opponents in New League

TENNIS TEAM CONTINUES TO PRACTICE IN HOPES OF DEFEATING OPPONENTS IN NEW LEAGUE — Central’s tennis team has practiced enough to where they are confident to take on their new league.
April 10, 2019
Central’s tennis season is in full swing and the team is still preparing to take on a new, yet difficult league. Some of the team members predict it will be a very competitive and rough season, but are optimistic and are still looking to have fun.
“I think this season will be another tough one without former player, Madi Blackburn, for the girls. She was the best and fought hard against the league we went against last year,” said Senior Matthew Phan. “In my honest opinion, I think we will struggle for this hard league again. It’s not that we are actually bad, it’s a league that we’re not supposed to be in. We’d be lucky to have more wins than last year, and hope the other teams choke, or mess up during the matches.”
This has not let the team be discouraged; they are still excited for the upcoming games and will fight to win against all opponents.
“Even with everything I said about the season, I’m very excited to be back in tennis. Tennis was always something I wanted to play, considering it’s the ‘safest’ sport out there unlike football, soccer, or baseball. It’s very relaxing and professional which I support. I’m excited to see how the competition is now that a year has passed and if everyone has given up on pursuing tennis or not,” announced Phan.
Jordan Hudson, another Central tennis team member, pitches in on how they have prepared for the current season.
“We’ve trained a lot, taken classes over the summer and spent a lot of time to build up our skills,” stated Hudson.
“Practice, practice, practice. The amount of technicality that goes into tennis is unmatched compared to other sports in my opinion. Learning to enforce good habits instead of bad ones is very hard. Honestly, getting the advanced swings down is very difficult,” added Phan.
The Central Pounders may have a tough road ahead of them, but they seem excited to continue working hard for a successful season.